The GEOC is responsible for overseeing, approving and assessing the courses that the university offers its students with regards to fulfilling their General Education Content Area and Competency requirements. Per the guidelines approved for the committee by the University Senate:
“The GEOC will be charged with:
- Setting the criteria for approving all course proposals for the Content and Competency Areas;
- Setting the criteria for entrance and exit requirements for the Competency Areas;
- Developing policy regarding the delivery of the University-wide General Education program;
- Reviewing and approving courses proposed for inclusion in the General Education Requirements;
- Determining the resources necessary to deliver the new General Education Requirements (number of seats per Content Area per year, etc.);
- Monitoring periodically courses that satisfy General Education Requirements to ensure that they continue to meet the criteria adopted by the Senate; and
- Reviewing the University-wide General Education program to ensure that its goals are being met and recommending changes to the Senate Curricula and Courses Committee when appropriate.”
The Content Area and Competency requirements the GEOC oversees currently include:
- CA1 – Arts and Humanities
- CA2 – Social Sciences
- CA3 – Science and technology (both Lab and Non-Lab)
- CA4 – Diversity and Multiculturalism (both International and Non-international)
- Environmental Literacy
- Writing Competency
- Quantitative Skills Competency
- Second Language Proficiency
- Information Literacy
Full descriptions and information about these requirements can be found through the General Education Guidelines page. It is highly recommended that new members fully read all the guidelines on this website.